One of the biggest blessings for us this summer was having a chance to attend Vacation Bible School! When I remember back to last summer we couldn't even make it to the concert one night and this year we were able to go the entire week with out getting even a cold!! It was truly a gift from God!
I was able to be a teacher with both girls in my class and God used me so much throughout the week showing other kids His amazing love! To know that Kaitlyn's buddies were with her having fun every day was so fun to watch! You never grow tired of watching kids worship with unabashed joy and they did that! We listened to Jana Alayra's music day in and day out!! We could sing it in our sleep! Some times I would grown and then catch myself, I knew that this was such an important time for us all to be together worshiping God and I couldn't have asked for more fun! Just when I think I'm going in to be the teacher those little guys always teach me something.... Jana was like the beetles to thees kids they just wanted to touch her and watch in wonder as she performed but I think mostly they saw her joy and excitement for God and a way to express that and they went for it with out holding back and I know God wants me to do the same!! To jump for Him and point to him and dance for him in front of everyone.... and our girl was with the best of them and I said to God
"thank you, thank you for saving her and letting us be here together worshiping you the way she wants with out holding back at all!! "
You were the BEST VBS TEACHER....Jackson loved every minute with you and the girls (even more than Jon and Tyler but shhhh don't tell them)! Thanks for sharing Jesus and His love with the kids at VBS. We love you and are so thrilled to share in the blessing of being with Kaitlyn----she is adorable!!!!!! Love you!
God is Good all the time...ringing in my head! He sure has blessed your family. I am delighted to see all the beautiful pictures & know she is doing so much better! Thanks for sharing!
Those are some cute girls!!! We love you guys. :)
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