To step out of our comfort zone, Into the realm of the unknown where Jesus is, And He's holding out His hand, But the waves are calling out our name And they laugh at us, Reminding us of all the times We've tried before and failed. The waves they keep on telling us, Time and time again. "you'll never win!" "You'll never win!"
But the Voice of Truth tells us a different story. The Voice of Truth says, "Do not be afraid!" And the Voice of Truth says, "This is for My glory" Out of all the voices calling out to us, we will choose to listen and believe the Voice of Truth
Wow..... where do I start?!??
I am posting this after a 4 day blur... The blur all really started back on Thursday (4.27.06) when Dr. May mentioned there was a small chance that Kaitlyn had leukemia (Such a foreign word that i still have to spell check it). but in the same breath he figured she just had a low platelet count and maybe even still it was just that she was a rough and tumble kid..
The next day at about 10:00 we got the news that it was looking a lot like leukemia and he would try his best to admit us to CHOC asap (Children’s Hospital Orange County)...
Wait let me say that again "I't is probably leukemia and I will try my best to admit you guys to CHOC asap)
I really want to go into detail, but basically Kaitlyn has "High Risk" Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia or "A.L.L."… Among the darkness, one of many blessings and the first positive news we had with this monster, is that he Nervous system and Brain had not been affected by the leukemia, so we are on a road map that mainly consists of Chemo / steroids treatment.
Kaitlyn took her first round of Chemo last night and he second dosage of steroids 2nite. She is SUCH a fighter, trooper, spunky, amazing, inspiring, innocent, sweet, and loving child, daughter, sister, granddaughter, niece, and friend!!!
IT is 1am and I would like to write more details and let you know more, but that will come in time, we just wanted to post some info and pictures for you to keep in mind and pray over... The next 29 days (of the 2.5 to 3 year process) are a VERY important treatment and we ask that you please specifically pray for days 8, 15 and 29 (and please in that order).. We thank you all for your prayers, love, prayers, generosity, prayers, concern, prayers, kindness and last but not least.. thank you for your prayers..
It is amazing to see God in the foundation and how he is woven into the threads of this process, and I am (with mixed emotions) eager to share all that he has done, and at the same time share some reality as we feel a little bit like David in this time... We rejoice in God through this but we feel we are walking through the valley..
we want to thank all of our family, our friends that have become family.. church family at Eastside, Christian family EVERYWHERE, OSP, and all those that Kaitlyn has already touched
Here are some pics from Saturday
Little "Kait Kait" sweeepeey

Kaitlyn and her AMAZING older sis Madeline
(or MA-MA as she likes to call her)

Thasnk for sharing this. Youa re all in our prayers. I'll ask that our church keep Kaitlin in our hearts, specifically the important days you mention.
I'm praying that God wraps His arms around her.
I have 3 beautiful little kids (my twin daughters are 2) and they've had some tough times, but nothing like this.
We'll continue to pray for Kaitlyn...and for her family. :)
I'm crying so hard right now. I believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that your faith will get you through. I want to hold your little girl and hug her and tell her everything is going to be alright. But she already knows that.
At times like this we realize how nice it is to be a child and have perfect, innocent, pure, uncompromising, outstanding, loving faith. My prayer is that your faith will be as strong as hers.
Wow. We love you guys. We're totally here if you need anything.
My heart is so broken for you... and I promise to pray for you unfailingly...
She's so beautiful.
our love to you.
I am weeping right now. She is just so precious.
It is so difficult to understand why this could happen to such a precious child. But also, at the same time, it's amazing to see how God is touching so many people right now through these events. Many people are going to come and read about the amazing faith that you and your family have in your God! And perhaps those who do not know Him will seek Him, and those who do know Him will be encouraged and feel a new strength for their own struggles.
God bless you and your family, Eric. I will be praying for Kaitlyn through this fight with so many others.
~ Crystal
To the Cotter Family,
We are all praying for you guys and Kaitlyn’s continued strength and good spirits. Eric you are an awesome dad, and I know you have the strength that your family needs to support your family during these times. We will ALL be praying on 8, 15, & 29 and more.
Louis, Erin, Jett, & Gavin
We love you guys so much.
We are praying continually for Kaitlin.
mikela and cameron
"She is SUCH a fighter, trooper, spunky, amazing, inspiring, innocent, sweet, and loving child, daughter, sister, granddaughter, niece, and friend!!!"
You are just beginning to see and experience this.
Watch and be amazed. God is with you.
Prayers & Love
Eric and Heather,
You are beautiful! Each day will dawn and you will get through it. You may wonder how on some days, and yet you do. You may wonder "why us"; "why Kaitlyn" - but there is no answer for that. A purpose down the road - maybe. Right now stay strong for Kaitlyn (as she will grow weak before she can grow strong again), but cry when you need to together as a couple. Love each other...and remember God is so faithful. "But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings of eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will run and not be faint." Isaiah 40:41
I love you guys. Remember...Sharla and Cassie made it. Kaitlyn will too!!!!!
I know there's not much I can say, but... I am praying for you guys - and missing all 4 of you! It's times like these that make everything else around seem so insignificant - your strength, faith, and love for your family has always been an inspiration to me. I love you guys, and we will be here for you for whatever you need throughout the rest of this journey. And I said there wasn't much to say... man, I could go on and on... but - I'll stop now. ;) I got 8, 15, and 29 as the background on my desktop, you bet I will be praying especially on those days.
Dearest Heather-
I saw the sweet photo of your beautiful princesses and remember the day I saw you not long ago at the park....the air was crisp, the sun was shinning, and our kids were laughing. As a mom of four boys I couldn't help but wonder if one of your little angels might someday marry one of my sons. I know I was dreaming, thinking, and hoping that the Lords hand would always be on our kids as they moved through the future. Certainally things today might seem more challenging, but you know what? Im still dreaming and Im still praying for Kaitlyns strenght and for her bright future. Don't let Satan get you down, steal your joy or your hope. You are so sweet and so strong and with Gods help you can survive. Please know I will do whatever it takes (laundry, chidlcare, meals, etc)----you name, and Ill do all I can to make it happen. The Girls at MOPS love you and support you and want to send their love and willingness to give to you over and over again.!!!! Blessing to you as you start this new season of your life.
Heather and Eric:
I am so at a loss for words. If you knew me real well you would know how hard that is to do! I know Heather and Hannah from church and from MOPS and I just want you to know that it breaks my heart to see what Kaitlin is going through but what a blessing that we have our faith to lean on and depend on during this very difficult season. My prayers will be with you daily for each step that you take with your beautiful daughters and I will check on her daily! Please even though I know you have many friends and family that can help you...if you need ANYTHING please, please contact me and I will help you! I have been told I do a mean load of laundry!!!!
Blessings to you! Rest in the Lord!
Cathy Arce
I have a 2 year old son that I value more than anything on th e face of the earth.My heart goes out to you.certain events such as this one,raise quiestions concerning my faithSuch as,why would GOD let this happen?I commend you on your dedication to HIM.I however, would not be so understanding...Ill say a prayer for her,O.K?Good luck!
"you are here to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, and with a finer spirit of hope and acheivement. you are here to enrich the world."
prayers are with you...
Hi, guys,
Just wanted you to know that Orange High School, where I teach, is in the middle of a drive for the Leukemia and Lympohoma Society--"Pennies For Patients". This is a HUGE deal at our school. Last year OHS raised $40,000, (yep--the zeros are in the right place) and we're hoping to beat that this year. I have Kaitlyn's picture with me at school, and I've shared a bit with my students about how brave she is. Your family is an inspiration for us.
I work for Verizon Wireless and I spoke to Kaitlyn's grandmother this evening in regards to her Verizon Wireless cell phone. She pointed me to Kaitlyn's site here after we had spoken about Kaitlyn. After the call, I had to get off of the phone to say a special prayer for her because God Answers Prayers. I just wanted to let you guys know that Kaitlyn and family will now be in my prayers EVERY night as I pray for my own family. God Bless!
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