This morning I woke when it was still dark, curled up beside me was Kaitlyn and next to her with her arm around Eric was Madeline. Eric whispered "Happy Birthday" and I closed my eyes and thought my Birthday was perfect. Every gift I could ask for was right there with me! "God" I said, "I'm so rich! I'm so blessed! Your taking care of us and I know your with me!"....... No amount of money or gift could ever replace my family and I think today watching the sun rise through the window next to my family thinking of how much God takes care of us and holds us in his hands will be a memory I will never forget!!
Eric wrote in my birthday card this morning...." One of these days when we are old and gray, we'll look back at these times and sob. Even though they are hard, they are so 'life defining' " and that is so true!
I just wanted to thank my family!!!

My life has changed because of you...you have touched my heart and soul in so many ways. Bless you my friend....Happy Birthday!
this is a test
We haven't stopped praying for you!!!!!
Happy belated birthday Heather. What a great gift to awaken surrounded by those most dear to you. You are an inspiration to so many. It’s SO nice to see all the smiles and little Kaitlyn having so much fun with her friends! I continue to pray and thank God for Kaitlyn and her awesome parents!
Kim Nelson
Tomorrow.....Oct 16th is a BIG day for the Cotter family as you press forward into more intense treatment. Hold onto Gods promise and He will hold your hands through this whole thing. Remember the Flye Gang is just a phone call away----we want to serve you!!!!!
Love you Kaitlyn---be strong!!!!!
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