Praise God we are doing good. Kaitlyn is in interim maintenance a period of a few weeks were her counts are good and we can get out and do some "normal things" We have been trying to make this time as fun as possible. We called up all her friends to play with her and so far she has been having a blast!! Praise God.She is as joyfull and independent as ever. Two times she developed a cold and we thought for sure we would end up in the hospital but by God's mercy she was able to fight off the infections (which can be done but is not common)
I have kept the website pictures to our family but this time I had to show some of her best friends who make this journey possible for her!!
Haley, Chloe, Phoebe, Gracie, Haley Noel, Jordan, Jeremy, Jackson, Justin, Jadon, Kylee, Jonas, Kaden, Kaia.....
Kaitlyn is so blessed with so many loving friends and family that I can't even begin to put enough pictures up! Thank you so much for all your prayers and support!!
We will begin Delayed intensification in mid October. God has a plan that we can not predict but we will trust him all the way!! The name for this part of the road map speaks for it's self from what we have heard it is extremely hard and intense. Please continue to keep our Kait Kait in your

Now thats a way to make my day GREAT!!! The Lord is Good! How wonderfull to see everyone haveing so much fun. This days blog brings peace and joy to my heart (joy for so many). I know God has many many more in store for all. He has found a time and a place in my live for so little to give me a reason to rejoice. He is gracious to all of us. Thank you Lord for this day! I love all of you so much..It brings tears of joy!! love grandma and grandpa rod
Thank God for this blog today!! He has given me a wonderfull reason to rejoice today. Thank you Eric and Heather for showing us these beautifull girls and boys haveing a beautifull day. You all are long over due...I love you all. God is Good. Thank you Jesus. Grandma
We love being your friends....love you Cotter family!!!!!
J,J,J, and J
Little Kaitlyn, please know that your little life touches the very heart of God in a profound way beyond what any of us could imagine or comprehend. He's see's, He knows, He understands. Every tear has been saved, and nothing in your life will go to waste, but is used in ways more far-reaching than you could ever begin to know until we one day stand together in His very presence, and He says, "Well done!" Keep fighting little one...we are believing with you for a full and complete recovery - that you will one day share your testimony about the greatness of our God.
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