A fellow Leukemia patient’s mom April wrote me an email saying
" Our Heavenly Father has to be our ultimate Doctor. Our faith in God and His plans for our lives and our children’s lives is were our heads need to stay. But we have to remember we are human. Our faith will be tested over and over again and at times we will fail and we will question and we will not trust. But we will always come back to the truth. HIS WORD."
Just this last Tuesday morning my faith was put to test in a way that April said would happen.....
While I was in the other room, Kaitlyn fell out of her seat onto her head. When I found her she was awake but limp and began to throw up. Her eyes were dilated and I knew she was not good. We rushed her to CHOC were they began a C.A.T. scan to see if there was internal bleeding. In many ways they were preparing us for that. The nurses and Doctor's felt something was not good. Eric stood out side of the ex-ray room and prayed with all his might!! It was a scary time for all of us!!
With in an hour we found out everything was fine!! Praise God!! She was monitored for the day and we were sent home Tuesday night....
Kaitlyn is amazing! By the time we left she was running around the hospital talking to her favorite nurses like nothing ever happened. She is so tuff and so full of life! This is what makes up Kaitlyn and makes her such a fighter! We are so blessed that she is such a normal active two year old.
Our faith was tested and we are still dealing with such an emotional day....
Thank you for all your prayers and support for those that heard and please continue to pray that we will trust God with what ever up's and down's continue to come!
We are quoting GOD's words....
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9