I wanted to send pictures of the clinic so that you could see our day to day. I wrote this verse about joy because as you can see Kaitlyn never ceases to smile! Her joy is so contagious! She spreads God's love every day with out even realizing it. I know God has great plans for her and I'm so excited to be apart of her journey even now make such a difference!! This last week we spent 4 hours waiting to be seen at the clinic. Normally we will wait any were from 30min. to 2 hours!! It was insane! When we walked into the clinic and it was standing room only I knew we were in for a long day.... But God is so good! Even though my attitude was grumpy Kaitlyn was an angel!! She played and laughed and talked her way through the entire day with no problems at all! God really is working on my heart, I know that I need to go with the flow and have joy in any circumstance!! The prayers of so many really get us through thees day to day grinds! Thank you Thank you we feel your prayers!!

Over and over I am amazed at your strength!!!! Hour after hour and day after day at the clinic sounds like so much work and so emotionally draining yet, you are doing it and loving your little Angel just the way that Christ would. You're making the most of every moment and relying on God when you might feel a bit grumpy (which is soooo understandable)! Keep pressing on, loving those girls, and trusting in your friends and family when you need some extra help. You're giving this journey your all and my prayer is that the Lord will honor that and bless you all greatly. Blessings to Little Kaitlyn---may she push forward and quickly defeat this monster inside! You know I love you !
in all things have joy! its so true!
-jeffrey luckey
I know I haven't commented lately, but am still praying for you guys all the time!
Cousin Allison says hi and that we love you guys! The whole fam (ok, not the dog) are praying for continued strength, peace and healing for one of the cutest Cotter's ever.
u ahve beautiful little girls! God bless there hearts!
-jeff luckey
Hey Heather,
We have only met a couple of times, but it really encourages me that you made time to talk with me at WINGS on Monday even though you have so much going on in your own life. I will keep your family in prayers. Cheree
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