I can't believe we are home!! I have waited to write this post at a time when I had a moment and that has been few and far between.... God has been so good to our family! He has brought his body around us to support us and lift us up in a way that I have never seen before! Every day since Kaitlyn has been diagnosed God has shown His amazing love to us through other people! The phone calls, letters, e-mails, packages, gifts, food, house cleaned, laundry done, new beds for the girls, air purifier, nurses who believe in Him, fellow ALL mom's, and prayer prayer prayer ....etc.As a mom more than ever you want to take care of your family and especially your little baby who's sick. Not really fully understanding the depth of what that meant over whelmed me at times. But God is so faithful! When I couldn't see what the future held he would bring so many others to guide us all. Thank you to so many who have made the beginning of Kaitlyn's journey possible!!!When I was at the hospital these last few weeks, nights were the hardest for me. Kaitlyn was finally asleep and I couldn't chance waking her up by calling anyone and it really became a time of relying on God for strength. Allot of the hard questions came to me at night and the only place I had to go was his word for comfort. Many scriptures spoke to me but the one I would like to share today is Psalms 34:1-5,7&8,15,17-19 I know that seems choppy but when ever I'm trying to understand a scripture I write it out and these words latterly brought me to my knees! He's so faithful we may go through hard times but he will never leave us! Part of the scripture says "I sought the Lord and he answered me, he delivered me from all my fears..." We have such a long journey ahead and I know that this is just the beginning. I know I will have really hard days but I know Eric and I will choose to follow him no matter what!! "The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and he hears their cry...." Yesterday I cut my hair off. Many of you have heard how long I have tried to grow healthy long hair and the one that loves it the most would be my husband. But being at the hospital around so many kids young and old I was so moved by the impact this must play on the teen girls going through the process of loosing their hair. I called my wonderful friend Grace who immediately had me come over and cut my hair right off. I have exactly 10inches which I will be donating to locks of love. If anyone is interested in doing this go to

Having so many amazing people support us has taught me so much about the body of Christ and what it truly means to help those in need. Thank you to so many for being such a huge example to me, Eric and our girls! These times are changing us and growing us in so many amazing ways! I love you all!!
You are wonderful, amazing, beautiful, and a true woman of God!!!! Wow! You humbled yourself and cut off your awesome hair....that is a true act of sacrifice and you know what, because of that you are even more attractive on the outside and in your heart. May the Lord bless your family as you continue to care for Kaitlyn, love your sweet husband, and encourage Madeline. You are loved by so many!!!! Keep the Faith and know that the woman at Eastside will walk with you through this journey....never be afraid to give us a call!
Your friends at MOPS
Heather, it's so great to hear your thoughts and reflections! It's amazing to see how God is using this situation to draw so many people together, and use it for HIS glory! And even more amazing to hear the way that He is moving in your hearts through this situation. You guys are a true testament to reality through this, the good and the bad, your faith and committment to trust God through this is an example for all of us. Good to hear from you Heather!
Dear Heather & Eric,
Your mom called with the wonderful news that Kaitlyn's count was over 500. What a tremendous answer to so many prayers.
We will forward this to our church family and friends who have kept Kaitlyn on the prayer list every week.
We are excited and rejoice with you that you can be home with Kaitlyn and Maddie.
Let us know when it is OK to come visit you. We would love to see all of you very soon.
Grandpa Travis and Grandma Jeanette
WOW Heather!!! Your hair looks amazing! I know it was probably hard to cut off all that length you worked so hard to get but to think about the smiles on the kids faces who are blessed from your sacrifice, makes it all ok! You are such an amazing woman of God.
With Love,
Kristen Chambers
God bless you!!! You hair cut is great and doing it so teens wouldn't feel bad is so kind!!! The entry you made is so eye opening on how you feel during this time! Thanks. I feel I can better pray for you! The pics of your girls are precious! I am lifting you and your family up in prayers to our Father!
Rememeber 2 Corinthians 1:3
Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort;
Your friend in Christ,
Chattanooga, TN
You are so amazing! I read your latest post and it brought me to tears! Sorry I haven't come by yet, we would love to come and see Kaitlyn but we weren't sure when you wanted visitors. We were so blessed in the Knot this morning when Eric came in to share in detail your journey and how hear a weekly update from the Swaney's about how she is doing, but it was very touching an so real, to hear it from her dad. We will continue to pray for the Lord's peace in your life as you endure this trial. We love you all and want to support you in everyway!
Please call me if you need ANYTHING!
Lanette & Luke Lidyoff
Your heart in all of this has been pure and sacrifical...i am so proud of you for following through on your conviction and allowing God to use something He had blessed you with to bless another. You are an example of what showing the love of Christ is all about! I am so incredibly blessed by your example of ultimately your heart! Love you so very much...your always in my prayers!
Only you could look so cute with your hair that short! I was so blessed to see that you are home and that she is a RAPID RESPONDER!! I hope that your travels through these times continue to be as positive. You are an amazing women and it really ministers to me how spiritually strong you have stayed! Blessings to your hubby and your adorable 2 girls! Call if you need ANYTHING and we will get it to you!
Cathy Arce
Hi Heather,
I don't really know you well, except by seeing your friendly smile when dropping Samantha off at church - she and Kaitlyn are in the same Sunday school class. I would not have thought to write on your site, but Eric visited the Knot class a little while ago, and said you guys like to get messages. :) I just wanted to tell you that we pray for you daily and that even Samantha is learning about faith and God's love through your experience. She prays daily for Kaitlyn, too. :) You have touched our lives and it really is clear that God is working through you and your family. Thank you for sharing your experience. And your haircut looks great! :)
Kelly Hertzig
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