Sunday, January 28, 2007

She's feeling better! (another park day)

Praise God!

Last weekend when we posted things were hard. We were definitely blindsided and feeling so down. Thank you all to those that prayed, sent letters or called us with encouragement! It comforted us all tremendously!

A women I look up to so much wrote a letter with scriptures and quotes to encourage our family.... to be reminded of God's ever presence can some times be just what I need! So often I loose sight of God. I allow my own emotions to take over forgetting the power of His words! His promises to never leave us or forsake us......

Some of what she wrote was:

"When you pass through the waters...they will not sweep over you." (Isaiah 43:2)

"God does not open paths for us before we come to them, or provide help before help is needed. He does not remove obstacles out of our way before we reach them. Yet when we are at our point of need, God's hand is outstretched." (Streams in the Desert, by J.R.M)

"This is the blessed life-not anxious to see far down the road nor overly concerned about the next step, not eager to choose the path nor weighted down with the heavy responsibilities of the future, but quietly following the shepherd, one step at a time." (J. Danson Smith)

"You have been in the storm- swept by the raging winds. Have they left you broken, weary and beaten in the valley, or have they lifted you to the sunlit summits of a richer, deeper more abiding womanhood? Have they left you with more sympathy for the storm- swept and battle-scarred?" (Selected)

"God ever present help in trouble" (Psalm 46:1)

"For I know the plans I have for you....plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." (Jeremiah 29:11)

"Weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning" (Psalm 30:5)

"....In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength...." (Isaiah 30:15)

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Out at the beach....

We went to the beach today. It was SO beautifully! It felt magical driving down the hill were we could see the water I felt a peace. I know that's God's creation and how he wants us to find joy and peace from what he made for us and the beach definitely did that for us Cotter's today....

This week has not been all that we expected, you can't tell from the sweet smiles or the fun we had today but it's been hard with Kait at home. She is now taking steroids five days a month and that started when we entered maintenance. About two days into the medication the hunger and frustration kicked in like crazy....

I think it really took us all by surprise. It's so hard to prepare your self for the unknown and especially with everyone responding differently to the steroids. I (Mommy) have been so tired and Daddy is not always sure what to do because Kaitlyn only wants me and sister Madeline gets a bit less attention and has to be supper flexible (and she great at that)....

I know a lot of this just takes time and getting use to the new phase but we could just use some prayer for the adjustment. We feel so blessed by all our dear friends and we were so bummed to miss church this week! With the ups and downs in Kaitlyn's emotions we didn't think it would be good to push it to much.

Please pray for strength for me I've been getting tired at a time I felt like I would be up and running....discouraging since that's not usually me. My worrying has reached and all new high and it's the same with many questions about how is she? Is this going to be ok? Will she make it smoothly? Will we end up back in the hospital? Is her body holding up? Is she looking ok physically? She seems tired should we be doing something more?.... the list is endless and that makes it hard to relax. We know that our God has taken us so far but some times telling our emotions that can be another thing.....

We just celebrated our six year anniversary this last week on
top of it all. We tried sneaking out and it was small and simple but so nice to be together. It's so rare and precious to us! Please keep praying for our marriage too. We are so empty, Daddy (Eric) is working so hard for our family and has two jobs going. I can't say enough good things about how hard he works! For those of you who don't know he works for a photography company in Huntington Beach on nights and weekends and that business as you know is so big in the summer time and we are trying to hang as much as we can now before it gets going. We know we can make it but we SO appreciate all your support and prayers!

We love you all!!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007



We officially started yesterday!!! Kaitlyn was given a spinal tap and quite a few directions for medications at home! We are so thankful to be at this new phase!! The brake we had, while her counts recovered, was nice but we are so excited she is strong enough to be moving forward! Kaitlyn is so excited to be going to church and on play dates with all her cousins and friends.... she has mommy quite busy for the next few weeks! (not complaining)
Her schedule with the Dr.'s has gone down SO much! We made an appointment for a month from yesterday! Mommy kept pacing yesterday not sure what to think of all the free time!
We all have learned so much thees last 81/2 months most of all that God has walked beside us every step of the way! Family and friends have shown so much support and we will be forever thankful!
We will continue to update Kait's progress, most of all because she is so cute and we love to share that with all of you!
Thank you again for all your prayers we feel them daily!
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Sunday, January 14, 2007

Walk to the park

We'll what is hopefully the last Sunday before maintenance, what better to do than to take a walk to the park!!! We had a blast getting there (all though Daisy and Daffodil made it interesting)

The girls had a ton of fun on the swings and slides, and posing for the camera. The walk home was event full to say the least, but we made it back safe and sound

Please take a moment to pray for Kaitlyn as tomorrow we are hoping that her counts are high enough for Maintenance..

Thank you~!!

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Friday, January 12, 2007

I'm so cute!

Showing off my cute dimples....

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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Counts still low....

Kait's counts were still quite low and not ready to start Maintenance. (the next faze) Even though it's common we're praying that she would grow stronger so her body could heal more and more. She is on the way up and we are hoping they will be good by next week. We will head in again this next Monday to see how they are.....

Please keep praying for her :)



Sunday, January 07, 2007

Walks and staying home

We have been spending lots of time at home and going on walks. With Kaitlyn's counts being low we have had to stay in except for the occasional walks. But it's actually been nice. It's allowed us to slow down stay home and enjoy one another.

This is totally Kait Kait. Taking a walk totally determined and doing it by herself! :)

I had to add this picture, staying home in our jammies with Daddy has become so much fun....and if you look close she has some peach fuzz coming in!! She is walking around letting us know her hair is growing in and she is PRETTY!! I hope and pray she will always be this confidant!

Please pray about tomorrow. We go to get her counts again and last week she was really low. If she is still low that will not be a surprise, we are just most concerned that she will get strong for the next faze!
Thanks again!
God Bless!!
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Thursday, January 04, 2007

Maintenance update

Just a real quick update, Kaitlyn's counts were mid 100's so we need to wait one more week.. We do thank God though because both Heather and Madeline have been a lil sick the past two weeks and Kaitlyn didn't contract anything. I'd take her health over a week or two of waiting any day

Thanks again for your constant support and prayer.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!!

Ten Things We are Thankfull for From 2006

1.) Our family & friends
2.) That Kaitlyn is so strong
3.) Snuggle times
4.) God teaching us so much
5.) Sisters
6.) Choc and it's staff
7.) Joy
8.) God's never ending blessings
9.) Tickle attacks
10.)Making it threw eight months

* We find out tomorrow if Kaitlyn's counts are ok to start maintenance. We will let you all know when we get to that stage and how that will go. Thank you all so much for all your prayers! We have made it so far and God has walked beside us the entire time....
We know 2007 will be a better year :)
Thank God!! Posted by Picasa